Many people have been up in arms about the job performance of current President Barack Obama.
As it stands with the election coming soon, I have been receiving countless attacks on my opinions in support of Barack Obama.
Certainly, many of Obama's promises were not kept, or were impossible to achieve in a mere 2 years, or even 4 years. When the Republican "Tea Party" took control of Congress in the election of 2010, nearly every action and goal of Barack Obama was smacked down by the radical corporatist right-wing religious, military, pro-life fanatics.
Willard Romney (Mitt) is a fundamentalist Corporatist Mormon. He owes his allegiance to only two things: his billions of dollars kept in tax haven bank accounts overseas and the growth of said monies, and the Mormon Church.
The Prophecy:
The Mormon Church has a prophecy of a High Priest of the Mormon Church coming to power in the United States and bringing all citizens to the Mormon religion, then bringing about the actions written in the book of Revelation. Willard "Mitt" Romney is a High Priest of the Mormon Church. He has an opportunity to bring to fruition all that this prophecy foretells and, with his countless dollars and billionaire backers, he would do everything in his power if elected president to do just that case, here is my prophecy for all who are considering giving their vote either FOR Mitt Romney or Against Barack Obama:
If Romney is elected, we will be NUKED by Iran.
He has insulted every country in the world whenever he has discussed their societies. He is a Corporatist Mormon fanatic posing as a Republican Conservative. Even though Republicans are so far extremist right-leaning that they are no longer conservative, but more theocratic corporatist themselves.
I have paid attention to what is happening in the world and our country. Most people who are Conservative seem to watch Fox. They seem to not notice that nearly every "personality" on the channel mumbles under their breath the words "IN MY OPINION" or "I FEEL" before they spout straight out lies and extremist radical bullshit. Fox has very little in the way of facts and what facts they do have they distort for the betterment of their own coffers. Not one person who is given more than 5 minutes of screen time on Fox is paid less than 5 million dollars a year. They want to protect their ability to NOT pay taxes, to keep their own money, which they have duly earned, but to force people who are struggling to make a pittance of $20,000 a year or less to pay more in taxes than these talking Fox heads with their lies and opinions based on distorted concepts of reality would ever think of paying.
The "Job Creators"
In our country, we have people who are struggling to live life free of oppression, and yet they are brought down by the elites who think that the "Job Creators" might create a single job here in the United States. The so-called "Job Creators" have created millions of jobs. Yes, they have, I agree that they have created jobs. But those jobs are in Indonesia, China, Yemen, and dozens of other foreign lands where there is no such thing as Environmental Protection or Occupational Safety or a Living Wage. The jobs created in these countries deprive every willing American of an opportunity to make money and spend money and get our economy growing again from the BOTTOM UP.
If a single person who is unemployed is hired in the United States, he or she will end up spending 90% or more of his or her paycheck to purchase things, to pay bills, and to contribute to the economic growth and well being of the United States. If that job is given to a person overseas, certainly the corporation will pay them a mere tenth of the income an American would be legally required to earn, but not a single dime would benefit the unemployed who are out on the street, as required by law to receive unemployment checks, trying day in and day out to find a job.
How do I know this?
I know all this from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. I was HOMELESS for a year, was given an opportunity to escape the city where not a single company or business was hiring - they literally had NOT HIRING signs in their windows. I took that opportunity to leave everything I ever knew behind and work my ass off to become a better citizen and contribute to the economy. I watched countless people around me get fired or become unemployed and we all did what we could to survive on the $12 in Food Stamps we were provided per MONTH. You try living on $12 worth of food per month and tell me those on Food Stamps are cheating the government.
Continuing... I spent 14 years working menial, minimum wage jobs and built my reputation as a hard worker who used his brain to make sure that whatever task I was assigned got done right, quickly, and would never need to be redone by someone else. After 3 weeks of training 2 new employees at Office Max, I discovered those 2 people were to be my replacement. I was fired cold turkey, no reason given except that my menial $11 an hour (for which I had worked 5 years to achieve) was too much for them to pay me. I was a key-holder, assistant manager, hiring manager, trainer, and cash manager and they did not want to pay me $11 an hour.
I went on unemployment and spent more than 6 months seeking a job. I walked and drove everywhere I could think of, filled out so many applications my fingertips were dry and cracking. That is what is required of people on unemployment - we must submit 10 applications per week to the Unemployment office in order to receive the $122 bi-weekly from them to live on.
Again, try living on $61 a week. Pay your bills, pay your rent, and see if you can afford to buy a single meal or groceries. THAT IS UNEMPLOYMENT!
I finally convinced someone to hire me and became a Manager at Halloween USA (now Halloween City) for 3 months (the length of their season). At the end of that, I got the job I work now. I also got a second job and even a third job, so I could finally catch up on my bills and hope to start refilling the empty savings account I had before Unemployment. My savings have only just now (after 3 years) begun to grow. I am working 50-60 hours a week and barely scraping by on paying my Student Loans which are at a 13.8% interest because I have deferred half of them.
The 47%:
I am one of those 47% voting for the man who should be President, the man who IS President, and the man who has made those who lost all of their retirement monies under BUSH become better off under his own Presidency. Obama has brought our country back from the brink at which GW Bush and his cronies pushed us. The debt everyone is talking about is the money it cost Bush to go to war with the Middle East. This money it cost us to go to war that Bush keep OFF THE BOOKS and Obama said, "Ya know what? We need to pay our bills, so let's put the BUSH wars on the books now." and so he did and our deficit and debt went through the roof.
Seek Truth:
Turn off your Fox. Turn off your TV. Go to the library or research here online and find out what the facts are before you spout talking points created by corporatist lobbyists and fed into the mouths of biased fools who are overpaid puppets of those who seek to destroy every achievement of the past 60 years!
What has President Barack Obama Accomplished?
- Barack Obama has passed a health care law that keeps the insurance companies from telling people they will have to pay for every medical treatment because they had a pre-existing condition.
- Barack Obama has passed a health care law that allows college students to have health care while they attend college, up until age 26, as long as their parents have health insurance.
- Barack Obama has proposed countless bills to the House of Representatives, only to be slapped down every time they get ahold of that bill, even if it is a bill that those who are doing the slapping proposed themselves before Obama grabbed it and said OK.
- Barack Obama turned the military focus away from oil-mongrels and toward Osama Bin Laden. Barack Obama ordered the death of Osama Bin Laden, as he promised in his original campaign in 2008.
- Barack Obama gave a LOAN to General Motors to keep them alive. General Motors has REPAID that loan back to the government WITH INTEREST! GM is ALIVE and successful!
- Barack Obama passed a law which provides equal pay for both men and women in the workplace, when doing the same exact job.
- Barack Obama passed the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, for which he was given support by 90% of the US Armed Forces, Generals and Commanders.
- Barack Obama drastically expanded Small Business Loan approval regulations.
- Barack Obama increased funding for all National Parks, providing more than 100 more jobs per park and better conservation methods.
- Barack Obama provided over 26 million dollars in aid to States , of which every Republican Governor said they would refuse, while quietly pocketing and disbursing the funds to their state anyway. More than 100,000 teachers are still employed because of these funds.
- Barack Obama expanded the Pell Grant system for all low-income students seeking higher education.
- Barack Obama has funded and continues to fund the rebuilding of New Orleans. Not reported in the news much, but about half of the funds needed to reconstruct and clean up the disaster Bush let happen has been provided by Obama through presidential order.
- Barack Obama created the GREEN VET program, which provides training free of charge to any and all Veterans in the fields of Renewable Energy Technologies.
- Barack Obama funded the manufacture and construction of over 5 million charging stations for ELECTRIC VEHICLES.
- Barack Obama invested more than $8 billion toward the refurbishment, construction, and safety inspections of Nuclear Power Plants.
- Barack Obama established a tax incentive to any and all cities and states that promote and expand public transportation.
- He redirected military funding to train troops in foreign languages prior to their deployment. Funds used were being wasted or pocketed by private security firms.
- Barack Obama cut salaries in the White House, streamlined Government to reduce waste, saving tax payers more than $20 million a year.
- Barack Obama cut prescription costs for Medicare recipients by 50%.
- Barack Obama established a Housing law that prevented home owners from being evicted for being late on mortgage payments.
- Barack Obama funded the rehabilitation of Native American housing.
- Barack Obama deported Mexican illegals in higher numbers than ANY president in the history of the United States. Also, he funded increased DRONE surveillance of the border.
- Barack Obama ended Stop/Loss which forced troops to remain deployed for double or triple deployments.
- Barack Obama increased pay and benefits for Veterans and Military families, despite the Republican stance of eliminating the Veterans Affairs departments altogether. Military spouses now receive nearly double the benefits they had received under either Bush or Clinton.
- Barack Obama ordered the Pentagon to redirect wasted funds toward armor and proper protective clothing and vehicles for troops in high-risk conflict environments.
- Barack Obama ended Bush and Cheney's illegal torture methods, which yielded NO results of any value in any instance and nearly caused the United States to be held accountable for WAR CRIMES. All interrogations are now filmed without exception.
- Barack Obama Provided small business tax credits to companies with fewer than 20 employees to cover 100% of the cost of the small business providing insurance to said employees.
- Barack Obama shifted taxation so that current taxes paid to the government are the lowest they have been since 1950.
- Up until the 2010 Republican take-over of Congress, Barack Obama helped reduce jobless claims and unemployment by 25%. After the Republican takeover, no laws or bills passed to improve that or reinvest in the Economy, so jobless claims grew again.
So.. yeah, I think President Obama has accomplished a tremendous amount of goals and great things in his mere 4 years after Bush decimated this country.
He has more that earned my vote.
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